“There was no evidence that relative yield increased with increase in Olsen P test values above 20.” Twenty years ago AgResearch scientists clearly reached the conclusion that an Olsen P of 10 allows pasture growth to reach about 90%, with 98% of potential being achieved at an Olsen P of 20. These findings were published in a report published in the NZ Journal of Agricultural Research 1997, Vol40. The trial, […]

*Cadmium (Cd) is a non-essential element for humans, animals and plants. Excessive cadmium uptake by humans and animals leads to serious health problems. Human uptake of cadmium takes place mainly through food. Foodstuffs that are rich in cadmium can greatly increase the cadmium concentration in the human body. Liver, mushrooms, shellfish, mussels, cocoa powder and dried seaweed are all examples. Cadmium accumulates in kidneys, where it damages filtering mechanisms, […]

Most farmers would have liked to have seen this data when the trial was done back then. 10 litres per Ha per year of a liquid fertiliser was never going to be enough to compete fairly with 1220 kgs per Ha of a super-phosphate potash mix.($292.00 per Ha) Now days Clovertone is applied at 20 litres per Ha and getting far better results. The purpose of showing you this trial […]